(actually, let's call it Genshiken Server from now on)
Yes it's back!
Image Board is still in maintenance though.
Forums (local only): http://forums.genshiken-itb.org
Image Board (local only): http://img.genshiken-itb.org
FTP (local only, donor only): ftp://ftp.genshiken-itb.org
FTP upload (local only): ftp://ftp.genshiken-itb.org:5555 (hostname: ftp.genshiken-itb.org, port: 555, user anonymous)
However, there's a bad news: 90% chance hd3 (aka Hayate) will have to be formatted (or worse, RMA-ed) since it's got bad sectors...
Monthly Archives: May 2008
3 posts
Main server is currently down for maintenance. FTP, Forums and Image Board won't be accessible. It should be back online as late as next Tuesday (May 13) except if something exceptionally bad happens. And keep eyes on news for possible URL change announcement! (for Forums etc.)