(actually, let's call it Genshiken Server from now on)
Yes it's back!
Image Board is still in maintenance though.
Forums (local only): http://forums.genshiken-itb.org
Image Board (local only): http://img.genshiken-itb.org
FTP (local only, donor only): ftp://ftp.genshiken-itb.org
FTP upload (local only): ftp://ftp.genshiken-itb.org:5555 (hostname: ftp.genshiken-itb.org, port: 555, user anonymous)
However, there's a bad news: 90% chance hd3 (aka Hayate) will have to be formatted (or worse, RMA-ed) since it's got bad sectors...
Daily Archives: 12/05/2008
1 post