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Komik ini ditulis oleh Lemon S.
Sebelumnya, sebagai informasi, akhir-akhir ini Elex Media Komputindo tampak sedang menikmati hubungan kerjasamanya dengan Houbunsha. Mengingat beberapa judul komik yang diserialisasi dalam _Manga Time Kirara_ dan _Manga Time Kirara Max_ dari penerbit Houbunsha, baru saja dilisensi dan diterbitkan _tankoubon_ nya di Indonesia.
So, how our situation right now? We were starting our cosplay team (again). Yes, the last time we join cosplay event was like 2 years ago? it was Fate / Stay Night, cmiiw. And this time we gonna take Lelouch and the Black Knights, yay.
O haiz... Sure... Someone need to start writing something for the site... besides Server info is moved here to prepare something like this... Next time we might write some review here. Or just random info about our activities.