Pop Culture Enthusiast Club

Return of Biggest Anime Server

(actually, let’s call it Genshiken Server from now on)

Yes it’s back!
Image Board is still in maintenance though.
Forums (local only): http://forums.genshiken-itb.org
Image Board (local only): http://img.genshiken-itb.org
FTP (local only, donor only): ftp://ftp.genshiken-itb.org
FTP upload (local only): ftp://ftp.genshiken-itb.org:5555 (hostname: ftp.genshiken-itb.org, port: 555, user anonymous)

However, there’s a bad news: 90% chance hd3 (aka Hayate) will have to be formatted (or worse, RMA-ed) since it’s got bad sectors…

Connection guide coming soon (or later)…

update: image board up but still need some testing

update #2: hd3 has just sent today. Hopefully I’ll get the repaired unit next week

update #3: upload address updated because of Comlabs’ faggotry firewall

update #4: hd3 has returned (empty, of course). Will be placed back sometime this week